Grassroots Garden Group believes that a community is not unlike a garden-- you get out of it what you put into it. With a bit of time, energy, and dedication they can both thrive, and the rewards are well worth the effort. Westchester is a beautiful village full of wonderful people. We are proud to do our part in keeping it beautiful and helping our neighbors in need. The satisfaction that comes with gardening is only amplified when paired with community service, and nothing brings us more joy than the satisfaction of helping others. Let's bloom together!
"Such gardens are not made by singing
‘Oh, how beautiful,’
and sitting in the shade."
– Rudyard Kipling
Gardens in urban areas have been shown to decrease crime rates
Gardens are beautiful and can increase property values
Excess produce can be donated to food pantries or given to neighbors
It can be a source of community pride
It reduces the number of miles required to transport nutritious food
It improves soil quality and water infiltration
It can reduce household food and plastic wastes
It increases biodiversity of plants and animals
It keeps you active and promotes vitamin D synthesis
It improves mental health and promotes relaxation
It can positively improve dietary habits
It fosters an attitude of patience and appreciation